In Less Than 6 weeks...
Discover The Easiest Low-Tech Strategy 
For Coaches, Consultants & Knowledge-Based Experts
To Win High Paying Clients From Your Existing Network
Without Complicated Ads, Funnels, or Webinars
“Work With Us To Get Your First Or Next High Paying Client In The Next 30-90 Days.”

NOW Is A Time Of Unprecedented Success

There’s more money in circulation than ever before - and more problems that need solving too.

For entrepreneurs that means one thing - Massive Opportunity.

You are perfectly positioned to grow your business exponentially this year - and use that growth to realize your spiritual vision of a better future for your family, friends, community and the world:
  •  Lay the foundation now for explosive growth  - by activating ‘unseen assets’ you already have
  • ​Attract a crowd of people who are on fire to work with you - and happy to pay 4 to 5 figures each for the opportunity!
  • ​Do work you love, with as many or few clients as you like - and be in total control of your time, finances and future prosperity
  • Grow your business to 6 or even 7 figures - with repeatable methods that don’t require paid ads, funnels, or any other ‘Magic Pill’ solutions
  • Permanently End Financial Insecurity - And become the person who never has to say ‘No’ when you want to say ‘Yes!’
  • Lay the foundation now for explosive growth - by activating ‘unseen assets’ you already have
  • ​Attract a crowd of people who are on fire to work with you - and happy to pay 4 to 5 figures each for the opportunity!
  • Do work you love, with as many or few clients as you like - and be in total control of your time, finances and future prosperity 
  • ​Grow your business to 6 or even 7 figures - with repeatable methods that don’t require paid ads, funnels, or any other ‘Magic Pill’ solutions 
  • Permanently End Financial Insecurity - And become the person who never has to say ‘No’ when you want to say ‘Yes!’ 


  • How To Build A 6 Or 7-Figure Impact-Driven Business This Year
  • ​The #1 way to get absolute clarity on your Ideal Client, Irresistible Offers, and Compelling Messaging - so you have the confidence to powerfully communicate what you do and get paid for the true value it provides...
  • ​Why mindset comes before strategy… And how to avoid procrastination, smash self-sabotage, and radically increase resilience - so you can stay in consistent forward momentum and crush your goals....
  • Strategies to find your ideal clients from people you already know - and who’ll pay you 4 or 5 figures to solve their burning problem… without the expense, complexity and uncertainty of ads, webinars, or funnels...
  • How to win your first or your next high-paying clients with the ultimate confidence of knowing it’s an intentional, repeatable and systemized process - That means no more relying on luck and hope...
  • How to expand your existing network business from it so you never have to make a cold call again . . .while building amazing relationships and partnerships who will support you each step along the way to a six- or seven figure business...
•    The #1 way to get absolute clarity on your Ideal Client, Irresistible Offers, and Compelling Messaging - so you have the confidence to powerfully communicate what you do and get paid for the true value it provides...

•    Accelerator helps you get absolutely clear on every aspect of your business from ideal client, to your story and messaging, to your proprietary methodology and offers and the exact strategy you should be focusing on to create a predictable flow of high paying clients (while cutting out 90% of everything else...)

•    Accelerator is the program that I wish I had several years ago when I began this business, instead of all the programs out there that taught me just one piece of the puzzle or ideas or concepts that frankly just weren’t important for making money in my business.

•    Why mindset comes before strategy… And how to avoid procrastination, smash self-sabotage, and radically increase resilience - so you can stay in consistent forward momentum and crush your 2021 goals....

•    Strategies to find your ideal clients from people you already know - and who’ll pay you 4 or 5 figures to solve their burning problem… without the expense, complexity and uncertainty of ads, webinars, or funnels...

•   How to win your first or your next high-paying clients with the ultimate confidence of knowing it’s an intentional, repeatable and systemized process - That means no more relying on luck and hope...

•   How to expand your existing network business from it so you never have to make a cold call again . . .while building amazing relationships and partnerships (a bulletproof tribe) who will support you each step along the way to a six- or seven figure business...
If you’re a coach, consultant, or knowledge-based expert looking to build a business in 2021, read on to discover:
  • The #1 way to get absolute clarity on your Ideal Client, Irresistible Offers, and Compelling Messaging - so you have the confidence to powerfully communicate what you do and get paid for the true value it provides...
  • Why mindset comes before strategy… And how to avoid procrastination, smash self-sabotage, and radically increase resilience - so you can stay in consistent forward momentum and crush your 2021 goals....
  • Strategies to find your ideal clients from people you already know - and who’ll pay you 4 or 5 figures to solve their burning problem… without the expense, complexity and uncertainty of ads, webinars, or funnels...
  • How to win your first or your next high-paying clients with the ultimate confidence of knowing it’s an intentional, repeatable and systemized process - That means no more relying on luck and hope...
  • How to expand your existing network business from it so you never have to make a cold call again . . .while building amazing relationships and partnerships (a bulletproof tribe) who will support you each step along the way to a six- or seven figure business...
So If You're A Coach, Consultant, Or Knowledge-Based Expert... READ ON TO DISCOVER:
  • How To Build A 6 Or 7-Figure Impact-Driven Business This Year
  • The #1 way to absolute clarity - on your Ideal Client, First Irresistible Offer, and Compelling Messaging
  • Why mindset comes before strategy - you’ve got to be powerfully confident about communicating what you do - so you can get paid for the true value you bring!
  • ​The best way to avoid procrastination, smash self-sabotage, and radically increase resilience… So you can keep moving forward to crush your weekly, monthly, and full-year goals
  • Strategies to find ideal clients who’ll gladly pay 5 figures to solve their burning problem… Without the expense, complexity and uncertainty of ads, webinars, or funnels
  • An Intentional, Repeatable, And Systematic Process To Win Your First Or Next High-Paying Clients - No more relying on luck or hope!
  • Ways to grow your warm referral network, so you never have to make a cold call again. . . by building relationships to support you each step along the way to your dream business
Before we get into the nuts and bolts though...
I want to take a moment to acknowledge 2020 was a very tough year for so many people.
Respectfully, Though - A Moment Is Enough
After that experience, we’ve all got a clearer view of what we do and don’t want.

And NOW is the time to move on...

Because when times get tough (and weird), it’s an opportunity to take stock of what’s going on.

And look for opportunities where others see problems.

That’s what true entrepreneurs do.

And what the media isn't reporting on… 

Are thousands of entrepreneurs having success despite the challenges of 2020.

Because you just have to look...

There are newly-created millionaires popping up everywhere online.

So here are my biggest takeaways from this year - And Your Opportunities Moving Forward:
  • NOW We have a planet where over 4 billion people are online 24/7 and looking to spend their money on solutions to their problems...
  • Social distancing has radically accelerated the desire for virtual connection...
  • And you don’t need a product, a warehouse, an office or any other high-cost infrastructure to sell...
  • NOW We have a planet where over 4 billion people are online 24/7 and looking to spend their money on solutions to their problems...
  • Social distancing has created vast loneliness - AND radically accelerated our desire for virtual connection...
  • ​You no longer need a warehouse, an office, a team - or even have a product to sell... Just your knowledge and expertise!
Don’t Believe Me?
Here’s a tiny sample of proof from the hundreds of clients I’ve worked with over the last year:
  • Ashley went from $0 to over $200k in her first year as a book publishing consultant
  • Shameca exploded her coaching business from $250k a year to almost $150k a MONTH!
  • ​Alex went from a stalled-out strategy to launching a new offer that generated $402k
  • ​Clint closed 3 out 4 prospects into his neuropathy program generating $18k in one week
  • Ashley went from $0 to over $200k in her first year as a book publishing consultant 
  • Shameca exploded her coaching business from $250k a year to almost $150k a MONTH! 
  • Alex went from a stalled-out strategy to launching a new offer that generated $402k
  • Clint closed 75% of prospects into his neuropathy program, generating $18k in a week
Jamie McNaugthon - VP & Co-Founder McNaugthon Manufacturing
MaryAnn Ehmann - Mindset & Business Coach
So even though you might have convinced yourself that “Now’s not the right time” -
Although the truth is ‘someday’ is never going to happen...
Or you have an idea that’s got you turned on, but you keep telling yourself: “Nobody will pay me for that” -
I Absolutely Guarantee someone will!
And maybe you lost your job and it made you feel ‘not good enough’ -
But you hated the job and it made you miserable…
Those Are All Just ‘Stories’ Made Up By The Voices In Our Heads - And They’re Total BS (Belief Systems)!
If you’ve accumulated skill and knowledge and you’re good at what you do...
Starting your own business is THE BEST WAY to have the personal freedom that only comes from financial certainty about the future...
And Now (More Than Ever Before) You Can:
  • Build a business that generates life-changing income and enables your dreams
  • Leverage what you’re best at, and love to do most
  • Serve anyone from anywhere without having deep tech, infrastructure, or a team
  • ​​Do work that fulfills your spiritual vision and sense of purpose 
So It’s Time To ‘Remove The Ceiling, And Answer Your Calling’ - Because The Opportunity Is Just Sitting At Your Feet, Waiting For You To Grab It And Run…
In 2020 the whole world made the shift to ‘living and working online’ in a faster and more dramatic way than anyone expected...

And the market for coaching has grown hugely - in fact 2020 was my company’s best ever year...
But a lot of coaches, service providers, and consultants in the startup phase - with revenue from $0 to $250k (or even more) - found themselves bogged down and spinning their wheels…
And this problem wasn’t because of the pandemic or the financial crisis…
The truth is, there’s a lot of bad advice, and weak guidance in our industry.
For example:

Maybe you’ve been advised that you need a webinar…
Or that you’re just ‘one funnel away’ from hockey-stick growth for your business.

Or you hear launching a mastermind is the ‘strategic move’.

But if you go out in the market to test out these ideas - You'll find It’s a hell of a lot more complicated than it looks!
Marketers LOVE to sell you their marketing products…
Because it’s so much easier to push a ‘magic-pill’ solution than do the deep work of teaching business fundamentals...

There are thousands of agencies, experts, gurus and consultants in this space, each talking up the features and benefits of their ‘latest and greatest’ solution.
But ‘Market Confusion’ is the only reliable result of all these competing complex methods:
Content Marketing




Live Streams

LinkedIn Marketing
Video Advertising

Social Media Marketing

Radio & TV

Speaking From Stages



Virtual Events


Corporate Roundtables...
What it boils down to is:
If You’re Not Yet Doing $250k+ Revenue...
You Don’t Have The Resources To Implement Complex Strategies
And when you look closely at the ‘brand name’ speakers or leaders in your industry...
Even THEY Didn’t Build Their Businesses Using The Tools They’re Now Selling!

So The Most Important Part Of My Teaching Mission Now…
Is To Serve Entrepreneurs With Strategies That Are Proven To Work For Any Business At Any Stage Of Growth

The key to early stage business growth is a simple 4-part Core Communications Strategy:
  • Figuring out who you serve
  • Learning to communicate the value you bring
  • Creating offers that are irresistible to your ideal client
  • ​Having enrollment conversations with qualified prospects

When I Look Around The Market, 
I See Too Many ‘Shiny Objects’ And ‘Magic Pills’...

Because a lot of people would rather sell something ‘sexy’ than something effective.

And That’s not because all the funnels, webinars and ads are bad...

They’re great, just not yet!

And Yes - I do use funnels, challenges, paid ads, email marketing and more in my business -

But nowadays I work with a team of over 30 people to produce our programs and events...

I'd be CRAZY to try any of that alone
The good news is, the immediate answers to your business problems are much closer than you might think...
When I started my business the only person helping to support my mission was my wife Carol (and I could never have done it without her!)
A deceptively simple ‘Start & Grow’ strategy is what we used to make our first $300k - and all you need to get in front of your ideal clients NOW.

The basic ideas are simple:

  • Understanding Influence & Persuasion
  • Knowing how to communicate what you do powerfully
  • Understanding who you serve and what their needs are
  • ​Putting together irresistible offers to confidently take into the marketplace 
  • ​Figuring out how to get in front of that ideal client 
  • Understanding Influence & Persuasion
  • Knowing how to communicate what you do powerfully
  • Understanding who you serve and what their needs are
  • ​Putting together irresistible offers to confidently take into the marketplace
  • ​Figuring out how to get in front of that ideal client
Then you can implement whatever strategy is appropriate for your stage of growth.
And the easiest ‘Start & Grow’ strategy is just to powerfully communicate what you do to your existing network… Then work to continually grow your network over time.
There Are Only 3 ‘Musts’ For Your Business:
Confidence and Clarity in the foundations of your business - Know who you serve, your offer, your messaging, and how to enroll clients
A simple, stage-appropriate go-to-market strategy - that consistently generates clients without a team, infrastructure, ad spend or tech
A rock-solid unshakeable mindset - because who you are is ultimately what's going to determine success
To Permanently End Financial Insecurity,
Focus And Execute On These 3 Things
Give yourself a life of Total Personal Sovereignty - where you own your time, command your true worth, and make every decision from a position of strength.

Before it can become your reality though - you’ve got to make a commitment:
“I’m no longer going to be someone
who has to say ‘No’ to the things I want.”
...Those are the words Ashley Mansour told herself at my 2 Day Intensive just last year.

At that moment though - the reality was Ashley’s career to that point had NOT prepared her to make this - or any - big goal a reality…

As a Liberal Arts grad who’d always been an employee, she didn’t yet have the fundamentals training or experience to know what it took to run a successful business...

And Ashley thought she had no network either - “Who do I know?” she asked me...

Because even after multiple attempts to get traction in her market, and spending several thousand on various coaching programs…
Ashley still hadn’t enrolled a single client - and was sliding further into debt with each passing month.
...Those are the words Ashley Mansour told herself at my 2 Day Intensive just last year.

At that moment though - the reality was Ashley’s career to that point had NOT prepared her to make this - or any - big goal a reality…

As a Liberal Arts grad who’d always been an employee, she didn’t yet have the fundamentals training or experience to know what it took to run a successful business...

And Ashley thought she had no network either - “Who do I know?” she asked me...

Because even after multiple attempts to get traction in her market, and spending several thousand on various coaching programs…
Ashley still hadn’t enrolled a single client - and was sliding further into debt with each passing month.
All this was weighing on her mind during the first day’s session.

In her heart Ashley knew that working with my team was the way forward…

But her financial worries and fear of failure were holding her back from committing.

With emotions overwhelming her, in the middle of the day Ashley walked out of the room for a moment to clear her mind.

Standing in the hallway, Ashley realized that her whole life, she’d been saying ‘No’ to so many things she dreamed of...

Simply because of feeling that she didn’t know how to create the income to make it possible.

But enough was enough.

Ashley decided it was time to fully commit to her own success - and go ‘all in’ without holding back.

Because saying ‘No’ while thinking ‘Yes!’ might be good enough for other people…

But Ashley wasn’t prepared to live that way any more.

So she took a leap of faith…
And by the first week of September 2020, she’d passed the ‘6-figure’ 

milestone that most aspiring entrepreneurs never reach.

And NOW just one year after the 2 Day Intensive…
Ashley’s business L.A. Writing Coach generated over $200,000 in income for 2020…
When I asked Ashley what was the critical inflection point on that journey, she didn’t hesitate:
“I became a different person when I made that decision.”
I’m so incredibly proud of Ashley for having the self-belief to make that deep shift in her perspective…

But the craziest thing is - her story’s not unusual.

My team and I document literally hundreds of experiences like this in my programs each and every single year…
  • Goals accomplished - and progressively bigger goals created...
  • ​Lives changed - from lack and insecurity, to abundance and optimism... 
  • Great businesses built - that give their founders joy to run, and create breakthroughs for their clients 
  • Confidence developed - allowing people to step into their zone of genius and let their talents shine 
  • ​Bankruptcies turned around - and families’ futures made bright again ​
  • ​Marriages saved - from the intense strain caused by financial struggle 
  • ​Dreams achieved - and failures transformed to triumphs
  • ​​Lives saved - from new joy and happiness discovered through personal sovereignty and the end of financial insecurity… 
Your Success Story Is About To Unfold…
From an ordinary beginning, into a series of incredible wins so inspirational, I’ll be telling your story on stage next year…

Just like I’m telling you Ashley’s story today.
And The Impact of Success Will Go Way Deeper Than Revenue...
Because once you’ve absorbed the teachings I'll share with you, it’s the end of financial insecurity forever…

Unlike the ‘hope and coincidence marketing’ that too many early stage entrepreneurs rely on to pay their rent:
  • Praying for a client to show up by the end of the month to make rent... 
  • ​​Relying on randomly meeting people who might be able to pay you for your services
  • ​That feeling of not knowing where the next client or dollar is coming from...
...It sucks. I was there for years - and it's no way to live.

That’s why - just like Ashley - you have to decide you're no longer going to live that way.

What I’m going to teach you is the shortest straight-line method to consistently find and enroll new clients - in a way that continues to work each and every month
And once you implement the business skills that only the elite understand…
The concepts and methods that I’ve refined, by dedicating the last decade of my life to studying and experimenting -

And spending over $500,000 of my earnings along the way...

Once you implement that, and see it work for yourself, it’s going to reboot your reality...
That’s what happened for Shameca Tankerson, a transformative coach who works exclusively with women entrepreneurs.

Shameca’s beautifully-defined spiritual vision is to help women “break their family lineage of financial insecurity by creating $100k+ businesses”

When Shameca started working with us and joined one of my coaching programs, her business had plateaued at $350k annual revenue…

But instead of pushing Shameca towards a tech solution that required investing in content creation, funnel development and ad budget…

We coached her to go back to basics, and revisit all the fundamental elements of her marketing plan…

And we helped her to start building her own team so she could free up more time to focus on the highest value activities for her business - marketing, sales, and client success…

Rather than creating a new campaign and nurturing cold or lukewarm leads, Shameca went back to her existing clients and warm list with a great new offer.

And she blew the doors off...

By generating an incredible $374,000 of extra revenue in 90 days - and dozens of raving testimonials on her website - without spending a single extra dollar on tech or ads!
In Shameca’s own words:
“I don’t know what I would have done without this program.

I was doing well and I probably would have figured it out eventually - but that costs money and time.

The clarity was a game changer for me...

David and the team helped me put together a plan and all I had to do was follow it - and it worked to a T.”
-Shameca Tankerson – Transformative Coach
And even though those results are truly astounding - in 2021, it’ll be ‘just another day at the office’ for Shameca and her team.

Because here’s a secret: 

The reason why you don't yet feel in control is because you don't know how to actually make money at will, doing what you love...
The Results Of ‘Confidence And Clarity’ Look Like Magic When You Haven’t Got Them Yet
This Isn’t Magic Though -
It’s Business Fundamentals, Strategy & Mindset
And that first ‘strategic’ win - where you intentionally go to the market with an offer and close a sale - changes everything…
What that means for the people we coach is…
It’s not luck.
You can do it again…

And again…

Now, next quarter, next year…
In any market conditions or economic environment…
Suddenly, you’ll realize the sense of personal sovereignty and total control over your destiny that’s been lying dormant inside you all your life...

And once that moment happens - your understanding of what’s possible will expand exponentially:
—— The vision for your life ——
—— The goals you set for yourself ——
—— And the things you know you’re capable of ——
When you no longer have the fear of financial insecurity weighing on your shoulders...

You can reclaim and channel all the energy you’ve been wasting on the negativity from feeling ‘less than’, and the anxiety from trying to figure this stuff out...

It’s the most incredible feeling, and the reason I love my work more and more each year…

It’s also the reason so many people who come into our coaching programs experience that crazy ‘hockey-stick’ growth…

Only one question remains - How?
Discovering the answer to that one word question cost me dearly…
For every big name marketing guru who you follow on social or subscribe to their email list - there’s an 80% chance I’ve written them a 4 to 6 figure check at some point in the last 10 years…
For Carol and me, it almost broke our bank accounts - and our souls.

By the time I got to the end of that ‘shopping spree’, the last program I invested in cost me almost $200,000!

And that was after I’d already tried:
  • The 5-figure ‘automated marketing method that speeds up your sales cycle’
  • Studying ALL the programs of ‘The World’s #1 High Performance Coach’ ​
  • Going to speaker training with the ‘premier Keynote Speaker and authority on achievement for audiences as large as 80,000’ 
  • ​Taking webinar creation training from the biggest names in the business... ​
  • ​​Hiring messaging and ‘Speak to Sell’ consultants… 
  • ​Paying 5 figures for funnel creation and marketing software... 
And nothing was working.
But I didn’t give up hope… So Carol and I went to one ‘last’ event that promised ‘mastery’ of business…

I was skeptical, but Carol said “Let’s do this!” and convinced me to go ‘all in’.

And we had an incredible time - loved it, made amazing friends, no regrets and wouldn’t change anything…

But after cashing in our life savings of $200k for the ‘platinum’ program…
It didn’t change anything about our business!
It did change my life though…

I wrote a check that was bigger than anything I could ever have imagined before - And I Didn’t Die!

I realized right then that money did NOT define me.

Because up until that moment, money had affected my decisions in a very negative way.

Fear of loss and failure had me holding on to what I already had so tightly, that there was no space to let in anything new...
The craziest thing about financial insecurity is that when you’re inside it, you experience it everywhere...
I used to get to the front of the line at Chipotle, stressed out over the $1 extra cost of Guac...

I’d go out on dates with Carol, the woman of my dreams, and forget to enjoy myself because I was
worrying about the check...
But once I made that all-or-nothing commitment to my own success…
And backed myself with every penny I’d saved in my life up to that point…

I realized that money no longer had a choke hold on me.

Now there was no turning back (and I didn’t give a damn what the guacamole cost anymore!)

And there’s a funny thing about life when you ‘burn the bridges’...

All of a sudden, I had a new level of clarity.

Suddenly synchronicities started happening, and everything made sense like never before.

It was like something ‘clicked’...

After spending so much on things that didn’t work…

I figured out how to put all the pieces together in the right place at the right time to create a strong foundation - and that discovery became the core of what I now teach:
The Single Most Effective Framework For Early Stage Entrepreneurs
To Start, Grow, And Then Scale Their Business
When you stick with something long enough, and refuse to give up - life will eventually give you the answers you’re seeking…

It gave me an entrepreneurial MBA, and a masters-level education in how to become an impact-driven marketer.
“How do I start to generate consistent monthly revenue, and accelerate my business growth?”
The good news is - rather than trying to be an internet marketer, doing work you don’t enjoy and don’t have the experience for…

You can just go help people by sharing your message and expertise with your existing network…

Because Your Next High Paying Client Is Someone You Already Know

Whenever I need to make money urgently, I go straight to my existing network with my core communication and messaging strategy...
Because it’s 10x easier to get people who already know me to listen.
I did that in 2015, and I still do it today - all that’s changed is the scale.

Good marketing comes down to persuasion and human connection...

And the easiest way to apply this is by activating your existing network to find your next high paying client... 
Then activating your network’s network by finding the super connectors (we call them Champions) among the people you already know…
That’s enough by itself to make more money than you ever thought possible, and smash financial insecurity for good - simply because you have your communication and messaging strategy defined.

Imagine if you get one more client every month from now…

What that extra income would mean for your business, your life, and your family?

Then imagine it was two clients, three, five, or even ten clients that you got each month, with intention and predictability...
Because once you have this core communications strategy and repeatable process working, it’s the end of financial insecurity forever.
And after helping hundreds of people create enormous success in my Accelerator, Legendary, and Titans programs...

I saw a huge underserved need in the market, to make the same quality of education and coaching in my elite programs available at a super affordable price point.

I want to have the maximum amount of impact, by reaching more people across the United States - and around the world...

So I decided to create a transformational new coaching program that would make our training affordable for all.

I went back to our training vault to review all the elements of our elite programs, and put together a selection of modules and strategies that were perfect for digital delivery…
To create a new group coaching program that delivers 80% of the benefits of our elite coaching programs for less than 10% of the investment…
A program that is perfectly positioned to help you take all your challenges and transform them into new opportunities:
Launchpad With David Bayer 
The World’s Most Comprehensive Mindset & Business Program For Knowledge-Based Entrepreneurs
Launchpad With David Bayer is an in-depth, Mindset & Business Accelerator Program for Business & Mindset Growth.

By combining the digital tools, training and curriculum you need to start, grow and scale your mission-driven business . . .

With a 2-day Live Integration Intensive with both myself and my coaches . . .

As well as a handful of other Launchpad exclusive bonuses. . 
You’ll be guided through a highly structured, goal-oriented business and mindset curriculum that will teach you how to generate your first or next high paying client. . . 
And to replicate that process over and over and over again.
Launchpad will help you get absolutely clear on what business you’re in and who you serve...

Develop your core messaging strategy tailored to your ideal client,

Create your first (or next) irresistible offer...

While learning the single most effective strategy for enrolling high paying prospects from your existing network.

And before completing the program, you’ll be active in your market...

Having powerful enrollment conversations....

To generate your first or next high paying client...
There’s So Much More To The Launchpad Program
Here’s what we will teach you, step by step...
Align With Your Spiritual Vision
Spiritual Vision is the Higher Purpose behind your ‘Why’. It gives your intelligence and passion a higher purpose to focus on…

And a compelling story that shows why YOU are a transformative agent in the world.

Spiritual Vision allows you to shrug off petty worries, and becomes the energetic foundation that makes you unstoppable.
Set Your Income Goals - And Create A 90 Day Action Plan
In our first week together we’ll help you establish 30, 60, 90 and 180 day objectives. 

Not only that, you’ll get clear on the ‘Mathematics of Money’... and discover WHY financial goals are so important - topped off with a clear, focused action plan to actually achieve them.
Rewire Your Mindset
Mindset is 80% of this game. We’ll help you identify the resistance you have to achieving your goals… Then transform the patterns of thinking that cause stress, anxiety and overwhelm.
With a rock-solid mindset, you can move forward knowing you won't get stuck in procrastination or self sabotage.
Define Your Ideal Client
Get absolute clarity about who you serve, and align all your marketing communications and strategy to clients who you would absolutely love to work with - and have the means to pay your fees.
Develop Powerful Irresistible Messaging
We’ll help you craft your message using the Launchpad Messaging Methodology so that HOW you communicate what you do is as powerful as WHAT you actually do. 

This is the area where most entrepreneurs struggle (like I did) for years - but it’s a critical piece of your entire marketing and communication strategy.
Powerfully Tell Your Story
Your story is how you communicate why YOU are the expert. We’ll teach you how to tell your story so that your prospects understand why YOU are the go-to expert in your industry while establishing your social proof and credibility through your direct experience. 

This is great if you’re new in business and don’t yet have client testimonials – your story becomes your credibility.
Develop A Proprietary Methodology
Use the Launchpad Client Journey to break down your process, step-by-step, and learn how to communicate your methodology as a unique, differentiating, game-changing aspect of what you do.

This is how to separate yourself from competition, so that you stand out in your market.
Create High Ticket Programs And Upsells
Create or refine your products, programs and services into 2-3 tiers that allow you to more effectively leverage your time while serving more people... 

Then position your programs as an ascension model by structuring them to solve your client’s NEXT problem.
Generate A Consistent Flow Of High Quality Leads While Doing What You Love Most…
The single most important achievement in your business is creating predictability. I’ll teach you the #1 marketing strategy for generating NOW revenue from your existing network - through methods that work without cold calls, funnels or paid advertising....
Activate Your Network
Identify who you already know that should be working with you. Then figure out which of your friends and connections have the most active networks, and build strategic alliances with these ‘Champions’ so they can amplify your voice.
High Converting Outreach
I’ll share the exact templates and strategies I used to enroll my very first clients - I already knew them all, so it was much easier than ‘cold’ approaching new people.

The secret is how you package your spiritual vision, messaging and story… Once you put it all together you’ll have more opportunities than you can even say ‘Yes!’ to.

And find out how I managed to get on the top podcasts, like Tom Bilyeu’s Impact Theory, even before anyone really knew who I was...
Leveraging Champions to Expand Your Network & Influence
How to have conversations with influencers in your network so you can enroll them into supporting your spiritual vision and becoming advocates for your business.

You’ll also get the exact scripts and templates I used to turn the greatest networkers in my network into Champions for my business. This radically accelerated early growth.
Increase Close Rates & Authentically Enroll Clients
Learn our enrollment methodology and sales process to build rapport, create massive value, transition to the close, deal with objections and manage follow-up.

You’ll be given the exact script that my team uses to close 30% of every qualified lead into our high ticket programs.
All These Elements Of The Launchpad Curriculum Combine To Give You Everything To Win Your First Or Next High Value Client
The Rest Of The Market Has This All Wrong…
And it’s where our coaching programs really excel beyond anything else in the marketplace today...

We’re gonna help you be authentic inside an organized framework and repeatable methodology...

It all starts with what we call the Core 4 - your Business Foundation, and ‘Real World MBA’:
  • Who you serve - And how you can help them.
  • How you communicate - Presenting the value of your work... 
  • Creating offers - that hit the pain points and aspirations of your market so well, they ‘practically sing the prospect’s language’... 
  • ​Client enrollment conversations - where you don’t have to ‘sell’, because they already want to buy. 
Here’s Exactly What You’ll Get Inside Launchpad:
The Mind Hack Program
(Value $3,500)
Mind hack is described as “the next evolution of personal growth" by Success Magazine, and was also featured on Impact Theory - the world’s #1 personal development YouTube show.
Mind Hack is an essential part of week 0, before we start to work on any of the Launchpad Digital Business Curriculum… Because the foundation of success is to remove your limiting beliefs, and unlock your creative intelligence.

Take advantage of life-changing insights from the fields of cognitive psychology, behavioral research, the neuroscience of habits, and the mechanics of learning...

All condensed down into one simple system you can implement in your life every day to overcome your deepest inner conflicts, and unlock phenomenal personal success.
Launchpad Digital Business Curriculum
(Value $3,500)
The leading edge entrepreneurial MBA for impact-driven entrepreneurs, Launchpad has everything you need to launch and grow your spiritual vision into an impact-driven business... From zero to six or seven figures.

Immediate, lifetime access to the Launchpad training library - step-by-step frameworks to establish a solid foundation for your business - and the exact marketing strategies you need to create predictable revenue.
Everything you need is covered, leaving no stone unturned: from goals to offers, messaging to strategies - Launchpad is a Ph.D in authentic marketing and the single most comprehensive complete entrepreneurial education in the market.
Exclusive Launchpad Bonuses 
Access To The Launchpad Private Facebook Group
(Value $1,000)
If you were thinking “but I don't have a network” - here it is. The Launchpad Private Facebook Group is a premium network you can tap into from day 1 of your Launchpad journey.

No matter what you’re helping people with: health, wealth, relationships, leadership, sports, business, and more... You'll have hundreds of champions built into this program.

Having the support of your peers as you go through this program will bolster your confidence, give you access to people who understand what you are trying to do, and provide a safe place to bring your fears, share your struggles and celebrate your WINS!

And if you generate even 2 or 3 clients over the next year from connections in this network - you'll 10x your investment in Launchpad.

2 Day Live Mindset & Business Intensive 
(Value $1,994)
After you complete the Launchpad curriculum, it’s time to get on the court and start enrolling your first or next high paying client.

But just like a brand new car gets a ‘warranty service’ after the first 1000 miles, we want to bring you back in to make sure your progress is running nice and smooth.

So we're going to spend 2 full days together, going even deeper...

This is the same intensive that changed Ashley's business and life!!

You'll join David, his coaches and a few hundred impact-driven entrepreneurs for a live virtual experience...

We’ll polish and refine any areas of the ‘Core 4’ fundamentals and go-to-market strategy where you need additional support or development work...
This 2 day event will feature focus workshops and Live Q&As with David and the team, where you’ll go deeper into the next level of mindset technologies and business strategies to take you into the NEXT level of growth . . . 

PLUS! Expand your network through the Launchpad tribe - you will have dedicated virtual networking rooms to meet and expand your network.
X2 Tickets To The Powerful Living Experience LIVE 
(Value $1,994)
The single most effective way to develop mastery with this life-changing material is IMMERSION

It is critical to put yourself in an environment where you set aside your daily responsibilities, to remove yourself from the endless stream of distractions pulling at your attention… And GO DEEP.

Two General Admission Tickets to David’s annual event, The Powerful Living Experience Live, named a Top 3 Must Attend Personal Development Event for Entrepreneurs by Inc.

Spend 3 days immersing yourself in advanced personal development technologies to help you become more creative, confident, energized and free in all areas of your business and life.
Total Launchpad Program Value:
This is the same system and methods I’ve taught coaches, service providers, and consultants like Ashley and Shameca in our Legendary and Titans programs…
But the fees to join those programs are from $30,000 up to $100,000…
That level of investment is a no-brainer for coaches, service providers, and consultants making $150k and above who want to ascend up to high 6- and even 7-figures…

But for coaches, service providers, and consultants who are starting out and not yet at that income level, it can be a struggle...

That’s why I’ve decided to make Launchpad available and affordable for early-stage businesses, to help you get that initial traction you need...
Today, Launchpad is available one time only at the incredible value investment of just $1,997
45 Action-Packed Days Of Personal And Business Growth
Your Launchpad Program Objective Is Clear:
Enroll Your First Or Next High-Paying Client Within These 6 Weeks
But we understand that early-stage business owners ‘have a lot of balls in the air’, so you can go through the program at the pace that’s right for you.

That might mean going faster or slower - depending on if you’re working on your business full-time... Or have other commitments that limit your available hours.

Either way, no problem - You have lifetime access to the curriculum, and the program is designed with flexible structure.
The Launchpad Program Timeline
WEEK 0 - Mind Hack

  • Take the Mind Hack program to identify and remove limiting beliefs that can stand in the way of success
  • ​Understand the programs that run your brain - then uninstall the bad, and upgrade the good
  • ​Put solid psychological foundations in place before the business curriculum starts
Intelligent Business Design
You’ll start week 1 with foundational elements of the curriculum that will inform every future decision in your business:
  • Define Your Spiritual Vision - your Big Why, and the guiding principles for all your future growth
  • ​Life And Financial Goal Setting - who do you want to be, and what do you want to achieve
  • Set Out Your Expertise - know exactly where your genius lies and what skills you have in your toolbox
  • Identifying Your Market - who are you here to serve, and what message do they need to hear?
Ideal Client & Messaging
Define your ideal client and messaging, so you can identify exactly who you serve and powerfully communicate the positive outcomes they’ll get from working with you.
  • Identify exactly who you serve - and know you can help
  • Define their deepest needs and wants - and the specific language they use
  • Uncover the limiting beliefs that hold them back
  • Powerfully communicate the positive outcomes they’ll get from working with you
Client Journey
Get clarity on the structure and mechanics of your business - define your offer framework, features and price points.
  • Get clarity on the structure and mechanics of your business
  • Define your offer framework and the client journey to success
  • Set out your features and the benefits they bring
  • Lay out price points and a basic ascension model
Authentic enrollment
Fine tune your offer description and messaging to make sure it is totally irresistible to your target market, then create your personalized outreach and sales templates so you have the confidence and clarity needed in order to start the outreach process and enroll that first high paying client.
  • Fine tune your offer description and messaging 
  • Make sure it’s totally irresistible to your target market
  • Create your personalized outreach and sales templates
Predictable Marketing
By this week you will be ready to start tapping into outreach. To do so, this week you will create your warm prospect list and polish up your outreach templates, then dive into the strategies for Activating Your Network and magnetic Outreach.
  • Create your warm prospect list
  • Review and polish up your outreach templates
  • Dive into the strategies for Activating Your Network and magnetic Outreach
Goal Setting
This could be the week you enroll your first client! You’ll create the roadmap and milestone objectives for 30, 60, 90 and 180 day business success.
  • Create the roadmap and milestone objectives for 30, 60, 90 and 180 day business success
  • It’s time to get on the court and start having powerful enrollment conversations with prospects
  • This could be the week you enroll your first client! 
2 Day Mindset & Business Intensive
(TBD Dates)
  • After you complete the Launchpad curriculum and are out there enrolling high paying clients, we're going to spend 2 full days going even deeper
  • ​You'll join David, his coaches and a few hundred impact-driven entrepreneurs for a live virtual experience...
  • We’ll polish and refine the ‘Core 4’ fundamentals and go-to-market strategy where you need additional support or development work
  • ​You’ll attend Live Q&As with David and the team, where you’ll go deeper into the next level of mindset technologies and business strategies for growth!
Two Great Value Options For Payment:
  • Regular Price - $1,997 - Get Launchpad today, for the lowest investment it will ever be offered at. 
  • Payment Plan - 3x Monthly Installments of $765 - Make Launchpad even more affordable now, with the convenience and cash flow benefit of 3 easy payments.
  •  And yes, you can pay with PayPal or PayPal financing
If You’re Committed Making This Your Breakout Year . . Now Is Your Time To Launch!
Just Click The Button Below To Secure Your Place
Build A Highly Profitable Business, By Doing What You Love
The Launchpad program will show you the exact steps to build and market your business while doing what you love.
This model has helped me go from $0 to 8 figures in revenue within 5 years
and created hundreds of success stories that you can see in the testimonials on this page…
Ed Jackson - Sr. Marketing Director WFG
Krystel Borg - Managing Director Prop & Peller
Why Launchpad Works While Other Programs Don’t…
  • Instead of forcing you into being an internet marketer, and keeping you trapped behind a computer doing things you don’t love, aren’t good at, and won’t work for your business...
  • Launchpad puts you in front of your ideal client - and gives you a step-by-step system for producing massive results, NOW.
  • Launchpad gives you a team of highly trained teachers and mentors who’ll support you each step of the way, as you grow your business to the next level…
  • The Launchpad Business Curriculum is a hands-on MBA for impact-driven entrepreneurs, where you’ll develop confidence and clarity by testing offers, messaging, and enrollment methods INSIDE the program.
  • Launchpad lets you access the leading mindset technologies, so you can eliminate the stress, overwhelm and uncertainty - and eradicate limiting beliefs that hold you back.
  • The beauty of a community like this is that you get to be around people who have figured it out to the point where $2k is nothing... And you also get to be around people who are bold enough to go all-in with the last $2k in their bank account.
  • Even if you don’t have that network to start - joining Launchpad will give you the first connections to grow a network from.
Carrie Moore - Founder Carrie International 
Bobby Schandra - Founder Explosive Growth
What’s On The Other Side Of Saying ‘Yes’ To Working With Us?
I want you to understand what the future can be...
Because I know it’s scary… But I also know you have a desire.
And when you have a desire strong enough to take action on - life gives you the resources to figure it out.

When you go through our process, then go to the market, and generate a high paying client 100% intentionally
Everything changes.
Because now you have a process you can do again and again with total confidence of results.

And there’s more -
With the strategies to attract and price your offerings for high-paying clients... Even that first sale is going to generate an ROI on your investment in Launchpad.
And after your first 3 or 4 deals close…

You’re going to realize that the ROI is infinite - and it’ll last for the whole of your lifetime!
Bet On Yourself - Seriously… What’s The Worst That Can Happen?
I already told you about all the checks I wrote to different marketing coaches, service providers, consultants and teachers over the years before I found success...

It took more years than I care to admit, and well over $500,000 of my life savings…

But I did it - so you don't have to.
And I’m 100% confident that joining Launchpad is the best financial decision for any coach, service provider, or expert consultant in the startup phase of $0 - $250k annual revenue…
If you join this program and do the work, I know in my heart that great things will happen for your business.

But let’s run a worst case scenario...

But let’s run a worst case scenario...

Imagine you joined the program, watched most of the materials, and didn’t really take any action on what you learned...

Would the $1,997 investment kill you?


And even in that ‘worst case’ - the decision to say YES to Launchpad would be taking some steps towards being the person you want to be - and that’s more valuable than anything.

But that’s NOT how it’s going to be…

With the world class mindset training inside Mind Hack,

And the 6 weeks of coaching and high level accountability on business development and core communications strategy…

Then the 2 Day Virtual Intensive - where you’ll debrief your coaches, celebrate your wins, and get feedback on your challenges… Then work with me and the David Bayer lead trainers to set intentions and plan out your next level goals.

Plus the peer support and community engagement in our virtual community...

And lifetime access to all the reading materials, templates, SOPs and step-by-step guides…

There is simply NO WAY that any motivated person will fail to produce extraordinary results using the Launchpad program
 “Is Launchpad Right For Me?”
  •  If you’re tired of being stuck on the entrepreneur’s carousel going from program to program desperately looking for that ‘perfect strategy’, Launchpad is for you.
  • ​ If you want to eliminate the guesswork and to put together a clear, concise plan that you are confident will produce the results you’re looking for, Launchpad is for you.
  • ​ If you want a team of experts mentoring and supporting you each step of the way, Launchpad is for you. ​
  • ​ If you want to design your programs and services so you can effectively scale and serve more people while generating more revenue and better leverage your time, Launchpad is for you.
  • ​ If you want to design a marketing strategy that allows you to work face to face with your ideal client while sharing your expertise and making an impact AND converting your prospects into high paying clients, Launchpad is for you.
  • ​ If you want to learn how to powerfully and authentically enroll people into your solution without feeling salesy or awkward about the sales process, Launchpad is for you. ​
  • ​ If you know there’s a better way, but you’re confused with technology and just want a simple approach for getting clients OFFLINE, Launchpad is for you.
  • ​ If you want to earn a CONSISTENT income of 10k to 100k a month so you never have to worry about money again, Launchpad is for you.
Claudia Hillmier - Owner Prop & Peller
Thomas Tipton - Investment Advisor
Excuses People Make - When Deep Inside They Know Joining Is Right…
These are perfect examples of Limiting Beliefs in action!
If You Are Thinking:
"Maybe I’ll Wait Until Later"

If you’re thinking you’ll wait until you have more time, or more financial resources, or less challenges in your life, you are probably not right for this program.

This program is for entrepreneurs who understand that they cannot waste any more time and who are resourceful enough and decisive enough to move through perceived barriers as quickly as possible.

If you aren’t feeling urgency around growing your business and pursuing your dreams such that you aren’t willing to address the challenges around you, then this isn’t the right fit for you.
“I Don’t Have Time”

What we’ve found is that most entrepreneurs aren’t using the time they have effectively.

They are spending far too much time on stress, anxiety and overwhelm.

They lack clarity.

They don’t have an action plan that is aligned with producing results and they spend a tremendous amount of time drifting through their days, weeks and months.

Launchpad helps you hack time, because you spend all of your time focused only on the activities and initiatives that will help you produce extraordinary results.

Most entrepreneurs are addicted to strategies.

While the Launchpad program provides world class business training, we consistently find that 80% of success is related to developing a success mindset.

 It is for this reason that David focuses a significant amount of time and energy working with you on your mindset, to identify what deep unconscious beliefs you may have that are slowing you down or preventing you from achieving your goals, and to work with you using his powerful framework to eliminate those patterns of thinking and to replace them with new empowering beliefs and decisions.

Every successful entrepreneur attributes his or her success to a changed mind, and that is a promise that is powerfully fulfilled during your time in Launchpad.

Launchpad Might Feel Like A Big Investment, But It's Guaranteed To Give You The Foundation And Right Strategy You Need To Grow From Zero To Six Or Seven-figures.
Take a moment to read and listen to some of the success stories of our clients below.
But remember:

These individuals achieved success as result of their commitment, dedication and resourcefulness.

And these are not the results of every client we work with…

These are some testimonials of transformation from people that were frustrated, almost quitting their business, stuck at the same level for months or years…

To measurable success after even a few weeks of working with my coaching team.

But they changed their lives through desire - and access to the right help.
I can't wait to see similar results for YOUR business and life!
What Kind Of Financial Results Can I Expect From Launchpad With David Bayer?
Financial results are not guaranteed - but I can tell you this:
Almost 100% of the time we see someone playing full out - they produce extraordinary results.

And almost 100% of the time someone doesn't produce the results it's simply because they didn't fully participate. But given the level of support and accountability we provide - it's hard to hide! We are going to push you to give your best and get better results than you can possibly imagine.

If you complete all the assignments carefully and go all-in on taking massive action to leverage the program materials… you’ll have all of the pieces in place that you’ll need to consistently generate high paying clients just like so many of our current and former members.
Will someone really pay me for my expertise?
100% without a doubt, yes! We've helped a former IT consultant who now coaches widowers through grieving consistently generate $10k months. We've helped a 'happiness coach' generate her first $5k client. We've helped a woman who channels advice from 'the universe' for her clients break 6-figures in her business in her first year.

If you have worked in industry, and accumulated skills and experience, you will find people who need consulting or coaching in your area of knowledge… Whatever you do - if you can help people or organizations - we can help you get paid for your expertise.
Do I get One-On-One Coaching?
One on one coaching is outside the scope of the Launchpad program. If this level of personal attention is what you need - contact our customer support team at to discuss our Accelerator and Legendary programs.
What If I’m In Other Programs?
That's awesome. David and Carol were always in 3 or 4 programs at once. But you want a quarterback to help guide you on what to use and what to leave behind…

If other programs are helping you rapidly achieve a predictable, consistent flow of high paying clients and a business that allows you to spend 90% of your time doing what you love – that’s great. If not, it might be time to reconsider…

In Any Case: learning what you'll learn in Launchpad will help you identify what the most valuable pieces of whatever program you're already in so you can extract what works and leave the rest.
Your NO MONEY BACK Guarantee
Launchpad is not like other coaching programs, and David Bayer is not like other coaching organizations.
The problem with Money Back Guarantees is they give people an ‘Out’ to not do the work that’s essential for success.

It all comes back to limiting beliefs…

The limiting beliefs we accumulate over a lifetime are that small nagging voice inside our head… The voice that tells us what we can’t do, and why we’re not good enough.

That’s the reason why we have all our Students complete the Mind Hack program in Week 0, before we start any of the business curriculum…

The purpose of Mind Hack is to smash your limiting beliefs, and help you to see your true potential is much greater than you have ever realized…

Then you can play ‘full out’ and pour all your dynamic creative energy into your success in the Launchpad program.

But that’s less likely to happen if you give yourself an ‘out’... That nagging voice will start to make excuses, and tell you why the program won’t work for you… 

Here’s the thing though - the Launchpad program, and all David Bayer coaching programs, are proven to work with hundreds of amazing results and testimonials to show for them.

So here’s where we take a stand -
At David Bayer, we believe in the need for a 100% full commitment by all our students -
We Do Not Give Refunds For Any Reason
When you commit to join - you must do the work to create the success you deserve and are capable of. 

We urge you to review your decision and completely commit to your own success before joining any of our programs - and we will support you all the way.
We guarantee 100% privacy. Your information will not be shared.
This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.

Any sales figures referenced are my personal sales figures, or those of our most exceptional clients. Please understand my results are not typical, I'm not implying you'll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). I have the benefit of practicing online marketing for 10+ years. The average person who buys any online marketing information gets little to no results. I'm using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors ... including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT attempt to work with us.